Better View

Hallo. This is the 150th three little words story. Quite pleased with that…and a little impressed with myself. Thank you for reading and liking these stories. I can’t say just how wide my smile is when I get a notification that someone likes a story…but it’s pretty big.

Today’s three little words are: deed/agile/introduce (05/05/2024).

Didn’t matter how agile the mind, there just wasn’t a way to introduce his misgivings about the corporate policies into their discussion. He’d coughed gently, hand in front of his mouth in what should be a universal sign that something is going to be said, but the noise hadn’t stopped or even stuttered.

He looked around and felt something swell inside. It could have been anger or disappointment or the suspect sausage roll from the buffet table. Whatever it was, he swallowed it down and simply stood and walked out onto the terrace.

It was such a different space. A lovely lawn stretched down to tall pines almost black against the dimming turquoise sky. A hint of gold peeped between the thick trunks and crows swooped languidly about the gently swaying treetops. There was a whole world out there and yet one hall of fifty people somehow managed to drown it all out.

A door squealed open and a woman stormed out and inhaled deeply as though she’d just breached the surface of deepwater and not left whatever teambuilding or works’ do she’d fled from.

He smiled wryly at a fellow escapee and to his surprise she turned, caught his gaze and smile and to his amazement smiled back. Up until that point, he’d felt quite invisible.

She stepped over, slowly as though approaching a cat or some other fickle creature. He tensed and skin prickled warmly. He scolded himself for foolish daydreaming, and then, maybe because sometimes a deed just has to be done, he poured out all the words he’d wanted to say, and maybe because she was thirsty for meaning beyond profit and loss, she soaked it up.

“So, in short, I’m quitting.”

And she smiled, taking his arm. “No, I think we’re finally just starting.”

299 words

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